Ronan Lyons | Personal Website
Ronan Lyons | Personal Website

Competitiveness regained? How prices in Ireland compare to the rest of the eurozone

  • John mcDermott ,

    Big multinationals like LIDL and ALDI are worthy of extensive study.
    The prices in their mainland Europe stores are consistent-and low.
    While paying huge transport costs to our isolated island nation they still deliver- at lower prices than their Irish counterparts.
    I believe the clever nature of their operation is responsible for this.
    They are 75% a food store and 25% a clothing/ hardware store. (much higher profit margins here?)
    Their main wine supplier has an incredible state of the art production/bottling plant in Germany. this company imports wine in tankers from vineyards throughout the world. They have an ownership shareholding in many of these vineyards.See:

    • International Students: watered down modern day slave trade? « Epiphanic Dissonance ,

      […] were struggling to make ends meet (Ireland is one of the most expensive countries in the EU [ 1 | 2 ] ) and pay for your upcoming college year I can assure you it’s not the best situation to be […]

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