Ronan Lyons | Personal Website
Ronan Lyons | Personal Website

400 years on: Forget Southfork & Dallas, for family infighting check out the O'Doynes of the 1600s

  • Cheese ,

    There’s two sentences in that letter over 100 words. That guy obviously didn’t have the Micrsoft paperclip at his disposal for advice. What’s more is that the next sentence after the his first 100-worder starts with a conjunction.

    • ronanlyons ,

      Paper Clip: “It looks like you’re trying to write a Letters Patent. Would you like some help with that, your Lordship?”
      Paper Clip: “Long sentence (consider revising).”
      Paper Clip: “Fragment (consider revising).”
      Chichester: “Alack and alas, zounds! I prithee, this infernal contraption!”

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